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Murren (Allmendhubel) - Wasenegg - Rotstockhutte - Murren
Walk 8004

Canton - Bern / Berne - Jungfrau Region

Author - Lou Johnson

Length - 13.0 km / 8.1 miles

Ascent - 610 metres / 2013 feet

Descent - 825 metres / 2723 feet

Time - 4.50 hours

Grade - moderate

Photo from the walk - Murren (Allmendhubel) - Wasenegg - Rotstockhutte - Murren
Click image to visit gallery of 12 images.

The route is varied and, although the paths in the early stages of the walk may be quite busy, you will be able to enjoy the wonderful solitude of the upper Sefinental. There are two modest climbs although these are balanced by some easy walking. The paths are good and well signed. The scenery is excellent throughout and the Rotstockhütte provides good food in beautiful surroundings. On the day the route was researched cloud reduced the views although this was more than balanced by the drama of the mountains.

Start - This walk starts from the upper station of the Allmendhubel funicular. You can start the walk in Mürren but the funicular saves 260 metres of ascent. See Transport Map for the Jungfrau Region.

End - The village of Mürren, where cablecar and railway connections take you down into the Lauterbrunnen valley.

Leave the upper station of the Allmendhubel funicular and follow the footpath that runs west to a broad col where a number of paths join. Take the clear path descending half left passing Pension Sonnenberg below on your left. Reaching the main valley track turn right and continue to Suppenalp. Here you turn right and follow the signed route to Shiltalp. The path climbs out of Blumental and goes under the Schilthorn cablecar to contour around the mountainside to reach the small farm at Schiltalp. Stay on the path to the Shilthorn for a short way past the farm to pick up a poorly defined path descending half left to a footbridge in the valley.

Cross the footbridge and take the rising path signed Rotstockhütte. This path climbs steadily onto the Wasenegg ridge with improving views in all directions. Reaching a fence on the crest of the ridge, go through the gate and take the path that descends gently across the mountainside. Stay on this path for the remainder of the outward route to the Rotstockhütte where, despite its isolation, excellent refreshments can be enjoyed amidst some tremendous mountain scenery.

Return by the same route to reach a path junction where you turn for Birg. The climbs is steady and takes you onto the Wasenegg ridge the crest of which is marked by a fence. Turn right to follow the fence downhill on a superb path with the Jungfrau straight ahead. This path is an absolute delight although care needs to be taken in places as there is quite a drop to your left. Reaching a path junction, you rejoin your outward route turning left to descend to the river. Do not cross the bridge, instead taking the path on the south side of the stream towards Spielbodenalp. Cross the bridge here to gain the northern bank and follow the signed path via Gimmela that leads you easily back to Mürren.

Suggested Maps

Landeskarte der Schweiz - 1:50000 - Sheet SW 5004 - Berner Oberland

Landeskarte der Schweiz - 1:25000 - Sheet SW 2520 - Jungfrau Region

Wanderkarte - Wengen, Mürren & Lauterbrunnental - 1:40000

Recommended Books

Tour of Monte Rosa

Tour of Monte RosaA guidebook to walking the The Tour of Monte Rosa, a 9-10 day, 134km trek circling Monte Rosa anti-clockwise from Zermatt. The high route hugs glaciers and has views of over ten 4000ers. All essential information is provided, including outline maps, route profiles, advice on glacier crossing and accommodation.

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Stay Safe

Do enjoy yourself when out walking and choose a route that is within your capabilities especially with regard to navigation.

Do turn back if the weather deteriorates especially in winter or when visibility is poor.

Do wear the right clothing for the anticipated weather conditions. If the weather is likely to change for the worse make sure you have enough extra clothing in your pack.

Do tell someone where you are planning to walk especially in areas that see few other walkers.

Do take maps and other navigational aids. Do not rely on mobile devices in areas where reception is poor. Take spare batteries especially in cold weather.

Do check the weather forecast before leaving.

Do do not exceed your capabilities.

Please Note - These walks have been published for use by site visitors on the understanding that Walking Sitzerland is not held responsible for the safety or well being of those following the routes as described. It is worth reiterating the point that you should embark on a walk with the correct maps at the most detailed scale where possible. This will enable any difficulties with route finding to be assessed, and corrective action taken if necessary.